Flooding in Pennsylvania is the most frequent and damaging natural disaster that occurs throughout the Commonwealth.


Flash flooding is usually a result of heavy localized precipitation falling in a short time period over a given location.


24 counties have had an average of one flood event per year.


Multiple federal disasters have been declared for floods, hurricanes, and severe storms in the state.


Flood Risk Status

Whether you’re a homeowner, homebuyer, tenant, insurance provider, or floodplain manager, it is important to know and anticipate your current and future flood risk. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) releases the digital flood insurance rate maps (DFIRMs) on a community-by-community basis. It is important to investigate your flood risk status and contact your insurance agent to make necessary modifications to your coverage.

Learn More

The PA Flood Risk Tool 

The PA Flood Risk Tool is designed to provide floodplain managers, insurance agents, developers, real estate agents, local planners and citizens with an effective means by which to make informed decisions about the degree of flood risk for a specific area or property. 

While the PA Flood Risk Tool uses data from sources such as FEMA, it is NOT the authoritative source for a final hazard determination.


Launch Tool


Floodplain management is regulated by your local municipality. For additional questions about mapping and insurance, reach the FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange at 1-877-336-2627 or FEMA-FMIX@fema.dhs.gov . 

State Contacts: 

Kenneth J. Roberts, CFM, NFIP Program Manager 
Phone: (717) 651-2141 

Richard Deal, State Hazard Mitigation Officer Phone: (717) 651-2711
Email: RA-Shazmitoff@pa.gov  

For technical questions about the mapping application contact: pafloodrisk@psu.edu

How it Works 

The Pennsylvania Flood Risk Assessment Tool provides access to the best available flood data from FEMA and other authoritative sources. It includes other data layers including roads, aerial photos, and, where available, parcel data. The PA Flood Risk Tool can be used from a desktop computer and a cell phone.    


Your Risk Report 

Once you have located your property, you can use the PA Flood Risk Tool to create a report. This report includes a map, information on your flood zone,   risk type, address, watershed stream, county, municipality, and  parcel (if available).

               Remember: if in doubt, it's not out!


PEMA Flood Management Information 

The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency provides access to information about flooding and floodplain management through it's Floodplain management website.     

FEMA Flood Insurance Information

The National Flood Insurance Program provides insurance to help reduce the socio-economic impact of floods.The FEMA, which administers the NFIP, has many educational pieces to help consumers understand the basics of flood insurance

PA Flood Insurance

Flood damage can happen to you so it is important to understand your risk. Pennsylvania provides information on flood risk insurance via the Department of Community and Economic Development and the Department of Insurance.